What You Need to Know About Water Damage and How to Prevent It

What You Need to Know About Water Damage and How to Prevent It Water damage is one of the most costly problems a homeowner can face. If you have a flood, a burst pipe, or a malfunctioning sump pump, water can get into your home and cause many issues, including mold and bacteria problems. However, there are several things you can do to protect you and your family from this type of disaster. Even if you live in a flood zone, the following tips will help to make sure your home is protected at all times:

Inspect Your Pipes

At least once a year, but preferably twice a year, you should conduct a thorough inspection of your water pipes. You are looking for possible leaks, corrosion of the pipes, and the potential for a freeze up. One burst pipe or small leak can easily turn into a major problem that will cost thousands of dollars to repair. By taking the initiative to inspect your pipes on a regular basis, you can catch problems while they’re still small enough to prevent them from turning into bigger, more expensive problems.

Inspect Outside Your Home

Each year, your roof should be checked for missing or damaged shingles and they should be replaced if you find any. A small leak can lead to major damage inside your home. Be sure to check your windows and redo the caulking if necessary to prevent water from getting inside your home. Along with this, gutters should be cleaned. If you do not have gutter guards already installed, you might want to consider having them installed to prevent your gutters from becoming clogged.

Flood Insurance

The majority of homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover damages caused by a flood. While most mortgage companies will require you to buy flood insurance in order to get financed, if your home is not in a flood zone, it will not automatically be included. No matter where you are, consider purchasing flood insurance as a natural disaster could easily cause thousands of dollars in damage that your regular policy will not cover.

Water Alarms

If you have a basement, consider purchasing an alarm system with water detection alarms included. A water detection system will consist of components that are placed in your basement so that if water gets into your basement, the alarms will go off, alerting you to the potential disaster. You can also have an alarm set up to go off if your sump pump or generator stops working to prevent problems when the power goes out.