Brighten Up Your Home with an Indoor Garden

Small garden plants inside a home. Not everyone in the modern world has the time or space for a garden. Maybe you don’t have enough room on your property, maybe you can’t build or plant an outdoor garden because of homeowners’ rules, or maybe you just don’t have the time! For anyone in these situations, there is a cheap and easy alternative that will still give you the chance to enjoy fresh vegetables and beautiful plants: an indoor garden!

Indoor gardens, as true to their name, are simply a smaller garden that you can grow inside your home! Many plants still thrive indoors given the right care, and the process isn’t nearly as difficult as you might expect. Here’s a few tips to help get your indoor garden started!

Pick the Right Plants The first step should be deciding on what you want to grow. Are you growing vegetables and herbs to include with dinner, or are you just looking to liven up your house with some flowers? Plenty of popular plants can be safely grown indoors, from edibles like avocados and carrots to beautiful flowers like hibiscus and peace lilies, and they can be easily grown with a minimum of effort.

Find the Right Area Once you’ve decided on what you want to grow, next comes figuring out where to grow it! Depending on the type of plant (or plants) you’ll be growing, you’ll want to check out what circumstances they grow best in. If a plant needs a lot of direct light (which means six or more hours of bright sunshine per day) then you’ll want to keep it in a garden window, preferably facing south to gather the maximum amount of sunlight per day. If you’re growing something like a fern that loves moisture and mists, consider growing it in your bathroom to catch run-off moisture in the atmosphere from baths and showers. Knowing where to best grow your chosen plants is a crucial to healthy plants!

Accommodate for the Plants’ Needs Much like bringing a new pet home, plants will require some minor re-organizing of your home to accommodate for their need for sunlight, warm air, and so on. Try to avoid keeping them near drafts, such as heat ducts or right next to an air conditioner. If possible, provide things like pipes or lattice to help plants with creeping vines such as ivy or tomatoes. This step should be a lot easier once you’ve completed the first two, but is still an important thing to consider.

Hopefully this has given you the inspiration you need to work on your own indoor garden! Whatever plants you choose to grow, follow our tips and hopefully they’ll beautify your home, garnish your plates, or both, for years to come!