Tips for Throwing a Great Cinco de Mayo Party

Cinco de Mayo Party
Cinco de Mayo Party

May 5th marks the anniversary of the Mexican Army’s victory over French troops during the Battle of Puebla in 1862. To celebrate this momentous event, Cinco de Mayo is widely celebrated throughout Mexico and the United States. As May 5th comes around each year, one great way to celebrate is by inviting some friends over for a little Cinco de Mayo party, complete with delicious tacos, guacamole, and margaritas. But your menu is just one aspect of a party. Here are some other things you’ll need to keep in mind to make this year’s Cinco de Mayo party your best one yet.

Colorful Decor

Cinco de Mayo is known for being a very colorful holiday, so you’re going to want to use the most colorful tablecloths, plates, glasses, napkins, and serving platters you can find. If the plates and glasses you already own aren’t exactly colorful, dollar stores often have very colorful varieties for sale at unbeatable prices. Dollar stores are also great places to look for brightly colored tablecloths. Or, if you have a sewing machine at home, you can easily head to the fabric store and make your own tablecloth in any color you’d like.

Natural Centerpieces

For Cinco de Mayo, it’s best to think natural when it comes to table centerpieces. Small cacti or colorful flowers in terracotta pots are absolutely perfect and are small enough to offer as gifts to guests as they leave. Arrangements of small succulents are another great option to consider.


Is it going to be warm enough for you to have your Cinco de Mayo party outside on your deck or patio? If your party will be continuing into the evening hours, make sure you’ll have plenty of lighting to help your guests feel comfortable and safe. Exterior lighting is an important part of your home any day of  the year, but since this is a holiday, why not consider putting some colorful lights out for the occasion? Strings of colorful lights are perfect for this sort of occasion, but candles in vibrant holders can also be very striking.

Don’t Forget the Little Things

When you spend so much time worrying about big things like food, beverages, and decor, it’s easy to overlook some of the little things. For example, if you’re planning on serving margaritas, don’t forget to make sure you have plenty of salt for the rims of glasses. Does anything on your menu call for a garnish? You won’t want to forget about or run short on those sorts of things which can help make an already great meal even better.