Planning Your Garden? Avoid These 5 Plants!

 Planning Your Garden? Avoid These 5 Plants! Summer is almost here, which means it’s the time of year when gardening enthusiasts are hard at work planning out what they want to do with their yards this year. If you’ve been planting gardens at your home for years, you may have learned the hard way that certain plants can end up being more trouble than they’re worth. But if you’re just starting to take an interest in gardening, it can be easy to get carried away when you see a plant that looks really great without thinking about whether or not it could cause problems.

While there are many types of plants that can be safely planted in your yard without issue, there are several other types of plants that can end up causing a lot of headaches for homeowners. Sometimes, the roots can spread out further than the homeowner expected, causing them to pop up in places they never wanted them to. In other cases, a plant might grow extremely fast or be extremely difficult to truly get rid of after you’ve planted it. Save yourself some hassle. Here are five plants that aren’t so garden friendly.  


Kudzu is such a nuisance of a plant that it is actually banned in some areas. It can easily grow up to 12 inches per day and will grow over anything that gets in its way. If kudzu starts growing over a tree, it can actually kill the tree by preventing it from getting the sunlight it needs. Once kudzu starts growing, it can be extremely difficult to stop. Herbicides do work on kudzu, however, it can take years of repeated use for them to take effect. Kudzu actually is popular with some farmers because goats can graze on it, which keeps it under control. But unless you happen to have goats, it’s best to avoid kudzu at all costs.

English Ivy

We’ve all seen pictures of those charming-looking homes and buildings that have English ivy growing all over the walls. They look so distinguished and elegant, don’t they? However, English ivy can actually be extremely destructive if it’s allowed to climb up over walls or trees. If it grows over a wooden surface, the ivy will trap in moisture, which can cause wood rot. When it grows on a stone or brick wall, it can get in between the cracks between the stones, compromising its structural integrity. Worst of all, English ivy can be extremely difficult to kill and get rid of once you realize what a hassle it can be.


Many homeowners like the idea of adding some bamboo to their yard to give it a little bit of a more unique look. It looks great and it’s a pretty hardy plant, so what could be the problem? Bamboo’s underground rhizomes can spread very rapidly, so it can very easily take over your entire yard and possibly your neighbor’s yard if you’re not careful. To keep bamboo plants from spreading into areas where you don’t want them to be, you’ll need to plant them in a container made of either concrete or heavy plastic. Although some varieties of bamboo spread slower than others, it might be easier to just steer clear of bamboo all together.


Love the idea of having fresh mint to cook with or to add to drinks anytime you like? Don’t feel like you should necessarily steer clear of mint all together, but be very careful about how you plant it. The roots on mint plants have a tendency to grow very quickly, so you could very easily end up having a lot more mint than you really want. Mint has been known to spread even if you plant it in a buried pot, so play it safe and keep your mint plants in planters that stay above ground.


Wisteria can create some absolutely beautiful blossoms and can grow in areas that don’t get much direct sunlight, but it can cause a lot of problems. Chinese and Japanese varieties of wisteria highly invasive and can cause damage to your home and anything else they grow on, including trees. Wisteria vines will need to be pruned during the summer and winter to prevent the plant from damaging the plant’s supports.  If you really love the look of wisteria, American wisteria (sometimes called native wisteria) is less invasive than Chinese and Japanese varieties.