Give Mom the Gift of Home Improvement this Mother’s Day

Mother's Day Gifts
Mother's Day Gifts

What would we do without our mothers? They’ve done an awful lot for us over the years, so it’s important that we show our appreciation on Mother’s Day. Sometimes, it can be hard to find just the right gift for mom. If you’re looking for something more unique, look for gifts that would make her home more enjoyable. Here are five easy home improvement gift ideas for Mother’s Day that your mom probably won’t be expecting -- but would be thrilled to receive.

Flowers for the Garden

Flowers are a very popular Mother’s Day gift. But if mom enjoys spending time working in her garden, why not get her some new flowers or plants to add to it? Flowers she can plant in the ground will last much longer than a vase full of flowers from the local florist. If you were to get mom a perennial, you’d be giving her a gift that will continue to grow and come back every year. If you’re not sure which type of plant to get or what your mom would like, you can always give her a gift certificate to her favorite nursery.

A Closet Makeover

Closets play an important role in our homes, but organizing them isn’t exactly fun. In fact, it’s the sort of chore a lot of homeowners tend to put off for as long as possible. If your mom’s a busy woman, maybe she doesn’t have a whole lot of time to spend getting her closet organized and keeping it that way. If that’s the case, perhaps mom would appreciate the gift of a closet storage system -- particularly if it means someone else will organize it for her.

Pay for a Home Repair Job

There are a lot of reasons why home repair projects get left undone. Sometimes it’s because there isn’t enough money in the budget to deal with them when they first come up. In other cases, it’s because there are more important things to deal with. No matter why a project has been put off, now is a great time to do mom a favor and pay to have one taken care of for her. If there are a few things that need to be done around the house, maybe you’d rather hire a handyman to come out for a few hours and take care of them for her. It might not seem like a fun or glamorous gift, but it’s the sort of gift that tends to be very greatly appreciated.

Paint a Room

Painting is an excellent way to completely change the look of a room in a short amount of time for a fairly low price. The downside is that painting a room can take a lot of energy, so it’s another project that people tend to put off dealing with. If there’s a room your mom tends to spend a lot of time in, maybe she’d like to see it in a new light. Painting it a different color can give it a whole new look, but giving it a new coat of paint in the same color can make it seem fresh and new again. Best of all, painting a room is a project that can be done in a weekend, so you don’t have to worry about making a huge time commitment.

A Beautifully Framed Photo

There’s nothing quite like a beloved family photo to bring back happy memories. If there’s a particular photograph your mom loves, but doesn’t already have hanging on her wall, look into having it framed for her. Nice picture frames can seem like a luxury item, so a lot of people tend to put off buying them for themselves when they have other expenses to worry about. But mom is sure to be delighted to see one of her most cherished items presented in such a nice way.